🤙 Total Social Media May 8th


Trivia Question❓

In what year was Coca-Cola created and by whom?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

2 Hour Marketing & Business Roundtable May 10th

Free 2 Hour Marketing Roundtable with Sandra Gebhardt & Mike Mathweg MAY 10th at 12:00 EST (9:00 PST)

Click here to register

Next steps......Scroll Down & Pick Your Favorite Posting Prompt...

Sandra here, I will share these fun posting prompt with you daily.

How do you use these prompts?

Pick your favorite prompt and make a post on your socials

Take the left over ones:

Post them to your stories

Make multiple post

Use them as reels/shorts

Be sure to let me know how they are working out for you by replying back to this email! 

**NOTE - if you reply back to this email with a simple "got it" you get 5 points to use towards prizes! You can do this everyday to earn your points and prizes!

Social Media Prompt

National Day of...

  • World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: This day honors the work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which provides humanitarian aid around the world.

  • V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day): This day commemorates the end of World War II in Europe on May 8, 1945.

  • National Receptionists' Day (Second Wednesday in May): Since May 8th falls on a Wednesday in 2024, it's a day to appreciate the amazing receptionists who keep offices running smoothly.

  • National School Nurse Day (Wednesday of National Nurses Week): Another Wednesday in May means it's National School Nurse Day, honoring the important role school nurses play in keeping students healthy.

  • National Have a Coke Day: For some lighthearted fun, May 8th is also a day to raise a glass (of Coke, of course!) to this popular beverage.

A Quote To Share

"Open happiness and share a Coke with someone special today."

A Funny Joke To Share

Why did the cola go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little flat!

A Life Hack To Share

Mix equal parts Coke and BBQ sauce to create a delicious marinade for grilled meats.

Adding a pinch of salt to a flat Coke can help bring back some of the carbonation.

Mixing Coke with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice can enhance the flavor and make it taste even better.

A Fun Fact To Share

Coca-Cola was originally green in color, not the brown that we recognize today.

The Coca-Cola recipe is one of the most closely guarded trade secrets in the world, with only a handful of executives knowing the exact formula.

The inventor of Coca-Cola, John Pemberton, served as a lieutenant colonel in the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

Coca-Cola was originally sold as a patent medicine to treat ailments such as headaches and fatigue.

The iconic Coca-Cola logo was created by the company's bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, in 1885.

Cyber Security Updates

insurance agencies face increasing cyber threats as technology dependence grows.

Traditional security measures like firewalls are no longer sufficient against modern cyber-attacks.

Small businesses are prime targets, with data breaches costing an average of $200,000.

Layered security models are essential, covering devices, networks, and users.

This approach reduces the attack surface, protects against external and insider threats, and allows flexible controls.

Tips include strong passwords, separating personal and business activities, and understanding compliance regulations.

It's crucial for agencies to take proactive steps, invest in modern security solutions, and prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard sensitive information and business continuity.

Click here for the full article 

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

Coca-Cola was created in 1886 by John Pemberton